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Maintenance and Support Services

Maintenance services will include provision of such updates, upgrades, bug fixes, patches, and other error corrections (collectively, “Updates”) as Adstran makes generally available free of charge to all licensees of the Software then entitled to maintenance services.  Adstran may develop and provide Updates in its sole discretion. Adstran may provide some or all Updates via download from a website designated by Adstran and that Licensee’s receipt thereof will require an internet connection, which connection is Licensee’s sole responsibility.  Adstran has no obligation to provide Updates via any other media. 


Maintenance and support services do not include the release of any next major version of the Software that Adstran may issue as a separate or new product, and Adstran may determine whether any issuance qualifies as a new version, new release, or Update in its sole discretion. Adstran reserves the right to condition the provision of maintenance and support services, including all or any Updates, on registration of the software for which support is requested.

The annual support includes, at no additional cost, any updates (no new versions) of the BTM Component until the release of the next new major version. It also includes response to up to twenty questions on the use of the BTM Component. The End-User License Agreement (EULA) is found here

For the single machine licenses, a product key issued is tied to a specific computer. Change of a licensed computer requires the issuance of a new product key (cost free) and deactivation of the formerly issued product key. For all types of license an internet connection is required.

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